Next meeting: March 3rd, 6PM Warren County Fairgrounds


                We have a question concerning placement of the gas engine display, and only one person wrote down that they brought an engine, so if you display one I would appreciate either a phone call or showing up to the meeting we would appreciate your input, thank you all


          There is a rule change to the garden tractor pulling rules: No assistance is to be given to operator of the tractor after 25 feet of pulling until the tractor stops. If the garden tractor pullers want to write that in, I believe Greg has a new copy of the rules for this year and it is meant for our younger pullers (you can help get them going, but they have to handle things themselves)


          Biggest news is the Jumpstart program for youth in the club, if you have a 14-18 year old with a project who might need some help getting parts I’ll send separately the requirements, and if they fit into them me and Jim Hurst will have copies of the form available to fill out. We are not going to pay for the full restoration of the project that is picked, we will pay 25% up to $500


          I have to share, I was at Louisville for the National Farm Machinery Show and there is an 830 John Deere in Pro Stock with a factory dash/fenders/flywheel cover/steering column, but I saw a video a friend made and it is no 2 cylinder J I know there is a 460 Farmall inspired puller run by Esdon Lehn now, it is neat that some of these pullers are going with older style tractors rather than newer, we all know the older ones have more style than new, glad the professionals feel the same way J


Any questions contact one of our directors.

Russ Rolke at 513-248-2501 or RCR@FUSE.NET

Mike Lumley at 513-515-8613 or

Larry Flynn at (513)266-7413 or

Dave Siebert at (937)603-4233 or


Until next month!

Roger Walker, Secretary, 513-256-5803 or